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Cilari has found love, exhilarating, breath-taking love, a glimpse of a forbidden future.

All her life has been about looking to the past, learning the Ganeh history and preparing to become the next Noble Mother. She knows that two people so close to magic as she and Luka are not allowed to have children.

But is Luka hiding things from her? Will she have to chose between the future of her people and love?

My name is Khidra Kay and I write epic fantasy. Sometimes I even spell stuff correctly.

I made up my own little world where my stories take place. Originally I was just making the world for my main series (Chronicles of the Allmothers). But I realized that the world is huge, full of stories to tell. So now I’m telling those stories. Some of them are big stories, some small, some affect the world, some are more intimate. But hopefully they all are interesting.